Welcome to your FREE paradigm-shifting roadmap!

Have you been getting the same results year after year? Hoping for a change in your life? Do you ever feel that not matter how many strategies you know and how many hours you put in, you’re still hitting a ceiling with your income?

This was me not so long ago. I was craving to have more be more do more, but something was holding me back from the life I truly wanted to live. I felt stuck and I didn’t know why.

You see, I have learned that it doens’t be that way.

I would like to invite you to my Free 5-Day Workshop where I will teach you exactly how to access Success

This M.A.P. was developed to give you a step-by-step plan to help you build a successful business and help you achieve your goal. It worked for me; I know it can work for you. While the steps outlined here are one way to Become successful, I am confident you will find YOUR way.

There are 4 pillars for success.

  1. YOUR SELF-IMAGE: Your self-image is your blueprint to success. Don’t judge yourself by what you’ve accomplished, but rather by what you could have accomplished given your ability.

  2. YOUR STANDARDS: This is your DNA to success. When your standards change, your income change, your relationships change, the way you dress changes, everything in your life starts to change.

  3. YOUR ATTITUDE: Attitude is everything, abundance is in attitude. Your attitude is what’s going to take you through life. They’re our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

  4. DISCIPLINE: Now discipline is giving yourself an order and following it. Discipline starts with your thinking. We have to master our thinking before any actions that we’re going to take.


Don’t miss this opportunity to get this FREE GUIDE that will change your life!

Expect abundance!



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Don’t miss this opportunity to get this FREE GUIDE that will change your life!

Expect abundance!



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« I have learned with Sofranie as my coach and mentor, how to structure my life step by step, how to change my paradigms and work from a higher ans stronger self through the growth of my company.  »

Therese Pitt - Berlin, Germany

« I totally recommend Sofranie s teaching as you learn how to dream bigger and how to achieve your goal step by step in a very limpid and structured manner through the thinking Into Results program. »

Angela Kim - New york city

« I totally recommend Sofranie s teaching as you learn how to dream bigger and how to achieve your goal step by step in a very limpid and structured manner through the thinking Into Results program. »

Richard Bergeron - OTTAWA, CANADA